Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chapter 3

Hope you enjoy, please leave feedback on twitter (@GarysCoPilot or @CarlyGBArmy) or comment below. 

* Chapter 3 *

When we arrive at Gary's I can't get over the size of his house. It's huge. I'm just happy we've got here. He's hardly spoke to me on the way here, well he's hardly spoke to me all night, Gary climbs out of the car and I Jump out My side too, "careful" Gary chirps up with, grinning. "Eh?" I sigh. "You forgot earlier? You forgot?" "Shit! Sorry I forgot!" I smile "come on then inside!" I giggle loudly causing Gary to looks me, raising his eye brow. Fuck sake Charlotte he's just a man don't laugh like a little girl. "Sorry." I smile. Gary just smirks. We go inside his place, I can't take it all in how big it is. That's when he heads back handing me a large red wine. Fuck. Wine. This is going to get messy. I smile taking it from him. He sits down on his cream leather sofa, he pats it, I sit next to him. 

I take a deep breath and go to speak, when I notice a picture of Gary and some woman. She looks a few years older than me, his eyes are focused on her, he looks happy. He hasn't looked that happy at all tonight. I go to speak, "My ex." Gary speaks first, "how long? Have..." "around 5 months ago.. She just got up one day, and said it was over. I've not seen her since. I heard she is with someone else though." he takes a huge gulp, of the wine. "I'm sorry, Gary. I, i didn't know. I know how you..." "No you don't." he says cutting me off again, god why does he make me so angry yet, so girly? "Yes i do actually." i say, as he shakes his head. "6 months ago, me and my boyfriend, ex boyfriend broke up. He didn't give me a reason why, he just said it wasn't working out, i wasn't his type. That's all he said. I haven't been able to look at another guy since, so i know how you feel." i put my head down, feeling Gary shuffle closer to me, "hurts doesn't it? And i bet no one gets it? No one understands why your down, and tell you to go out and pull. But you can't because you still feel that connection." he says placing his hand onto mine. I nod "yeah, they think i'm stupid for not moving on, but it's only recently I've actually looked at you know, other guys." i smile. "Yeah i know what you mean, I've not looked a woman, that way until err." he stops. "i can't remember" he says turning away, it goes silent for a few minutes.

I bite my lip, for no reason, i just can't take my eyes off him. I stare at him, noticing he's taken his jacket and tie off. His shoulders look so strong, and muscular. He works out, that's easy to see, fuck he has two shirt buttons open, i can see his chest, and his chest hair, sticking out slight, i lick my lips uncontrollably. How can anyone be this hot? I move my eyes lower, towards his stomach, which looks toned, with this lighting, i can see threw his shirt. I move even lower, noticing the bulge in his pants. I nearly groan out loud. Fuck me, he's hot. I feel myself getting rather warm, that's when my concentration is broken, "Stop perving on me." he laughs. I look back, i can't even protest he's just caught me red handed. "Sorry, your kinda, errrr." i bite my lip, "it's okay, i know, i'm hot." he smirks, "your bound to stare, most people do." he chuckles cheekily. "oh shut up, your not that hot." i grin, "really? You don't think i'm that hot? I saw you licking your lips." he laughs, i slap high up on his thigh playfully, oh shit. That WASN'T his thigh. "fuck, sorry."  "it's fine." he winks, i roll my eyes, as Gary moves in close to me, my face is inches away from his, he leans closer my lips are so close to his, my heart is pounding against my chest. I've never wanted to kiss anyone as bad as i do this man. "I like you, i didn't think i'd say that, when you called me a prick earlier." he growls moving his lips towards his ear. "i didn't" i protest, "don't deny it, you called it me, a fucking prick if i remember." he grins, i can feel it. I move my hands against his chest, oh my god, he is so strong. He moves back slightly our eyes meet, god this is it he's going to kiss me. I close my eyes...

* a few minutes later *

"Are you alright Charlotte?" He smirks, as i open my eyes, "yeah i..." i stutter, i feel stupid. "Your room is at the top of the stairs, first door on your left?" i nod, "I'm off to bed to get my beauty sleep." he grins cheekily, "You need it eh?" i tease, he just smiles. But its a proper smile, like the one of the picture, he looks genuinely happy, which make him ever hotter...

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