Monday, September 2, 2013

Chapter 1

Hey, so I'm trying a new fic! Hope you all enjoy this chapter might be a bit boring tho. You've been warned ;) enjoy x

* Chapter 1 * 

Hey, I'm Charlotte, I'm 23 years old, I have a pretty standard life to be honest. I work in a call centre a regular 9-5 job. I've worked here since I was 18. Yep 5 years of my life wasted. I regularly get people screaming down the phone and me which is always fun. I'm not the most out going person, or the girl that let's go, I am consistently thinking rather than just having fun.

I've recently come out of relationship which i was in for around 2 years, so my friends are trying to set me up with everyone. Which isn't always fun, especially with who they try and set me up with. Like tonight for example it's a friends, friends wedding and Alex, my friend wants me to go with her because 'there always men at weddings' she says. I can't be arsed to be honest it's been a long week. Saturdays are usually my night to chill. But oh not tonight! Fuck sake! I've just spent three hours getting my hair; make-up ad nails done. I hate going to places where I know no one so tonight will be awful, I just know it. I can't believe I've let myself get put in this position to be honest. 

* 2 Hours Later *

* Buzz Buzz * 

I pick my iPhone up its a message from Alex she's here. I grab my clutch and head out to the car. I'm wearing a deep blue, peplum dress, with a slightly plunging neckline. I get to the car and go to sit down. 

"Fuck. I'm sorry!" I squeal nearly sitting on this random guys knee. "Ay, it's alright love." He smirks. Fuck well I feel like a right dickhead now. "Charls this is Mark. Mark this is Charlotte or Charls." Alex smirks trying not to laugh. "I don't think hellos are needed after that!" Mark smiles again I go a brighter shade of red. 

"Are you going to get in or what?" I spin around to notice the strange guy in the drives seat. Oh fuck. I know him. And I know the guy in the back seats but where from man? "Look we haven't got all day get in the front." He snaps again. Wow what a prick, I climb into the front seat of the car. I mutter some foul words under my breath. Getting a rather dirty look from the guy next to me. 

"Oh Charls don't worry about him. It's only Gary. He's in a mood as always a lately!" She laughs, "shut up will ya, or you'll be walking there!" He says, I can't work out weather he means it or not. There's no emotion. "So what does your er, friend do Alex?" He snips not even making eye contact with me. What a dick. I'm sat next to him and he's actually speaking about me like I'm not even hear.
"She works in a call centre, why not ask her yourself, Gaz?" She laughs, her and mark, I think? Are whispering in the back seats. 

I hear him snigger out loud nearly when Alex said I work in a call centre. Argh god he's really getting under my skin. "fucking prick." I mutter under my voice. Looking out the window, I see his reflection looking in my direction, smirking almost.

For the next 20 minutes me and Gary don't even make eye contact no talking nothing. Well this isn't awkward! Whereas Alex and mark can't stop talking. Fuck me this is horrible. I'm so happy when we pull up at the wedding reception. I get to get out of the car. I Jump out of the car nearly breaking my neck as I do so. I forgot I had heels on!

"Gaz help her then. I've got Alex's arm you take Charlotte's arm!" Mark smiles walking in front with Alex. Gary sighs and walks around to me, offering me his arm "it's fine!" he cuts me off "no take my arm I don't offer it to just anyone!" He snaps a little. Fuck I take a good at him he's gorgeous, he looks beautiful, he has the most amazing green eyes, with a cute nose, his lips are full and his hair is so neat I'd love to run my hands through this hair. I take his arm and walk up the stairs, and into the reception venue. 

Charlotte. You can't fancy him. He's arrogant and thinks he's all that. Fuck he's so hot though. When we are in the hall it's  full if people I know no one. "Thank you Gary." I smile softly. He doesn't respond he just orders a drink. I order myself a double vodka lemonade. 

Tonight's going to be fun? Like fuck it is!

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